Source code for deprecated.sphinx

# coding: utf-8
Sphinx directive integration

We usually need to document the life-cycle of functions and classes:
when they are created, modified or deprecated.

To do that, `Sphinx <>`_ has a set
of `Paragraph-level markups <>`_:

- ``versionadded``: to document the version of the project which added the described feature to the library,
- ``versionchanged``: to document changes of a feature,
- ``deprecated``: to document a deprecated feature.

The purpose of this module is to defined decorators which adds this Sphinx directives
to the docstring of your function and classes.

Of course, the ``@deprecated`` decorator will emit a deprecation warning
when the function/method is called or the class is constructed.
import re
import textwrap

import wrapt

from deprecated.classic import ClassicAdapter
from deprecated.classic import deprecated as _classic_deprecated

class SphinxAdapter(ClassicAdapter):
    Sphinx adapter -- *for advanced usage only*

    This adapter override the :class:`~deprecated.classic.ClassicAdapter`
    in order to add the Sphinx directives to the end of the function/class docstring.
    Such a directive is a `Paragraph-level markup <>`_

    - The directive can be one of "versionadded", "versionchanged" or "deprecated".
    - The version number is added if provided.
    - The reason message is obviously added in the directive block if not empty.

    def __init__(
        Construct a wrapper adapter.

        :type  directive: str
        :param directive:
            Sphinx directive: can be one of "versionadded", "versionchanged" or "deprecated".

        :type  reason: str
        :param reason:
            Reason message which documents the deprecation in your library (can be omitted).

        :type  version: str
        :param version:
            Version of your project which deprecates this feature.
            If you follow the `Semantic Versioning <>`_,
            the version number has the format "MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH".

        :type  action: str
        :param action:
            A warning filter used to activate or not the deprecation warning.
            Can be one of "error", "ignore", "always", "default", "module", or "once".
            If ``None`` or empty, the the global filtering mechanism is used.
            See: `The Warnings Filter`_ in the Python documentation.

        :type  category: type
        :param category:
            The warning category to use for the deprecation warning.
            By default, the category class is :class:`~DeprecationWarning`,
            you can inherit this class to define your own deprecation warning category.

        :type  line_length: int
        :param line_length:
            Max line length of the directive text. If non nul, a long text is wrapped in several lines.
        if not version:
            raise ValueError("'version' argument is required in Sphinx directives")
        self.directive = directive
        self.line_length = line_length
        super(SphinxAdapter, self).__init__(reason=reason, version=version, action=action, category=category)

    def __call__(self, wrapped):
        Add the Sphinx directive to your class or function.

        :param wrapped: Wrapped class or function.

        :return: the decorated class or function.
        # -- build the directive division
        fmt = ".. {directive}:: {version}" if self.version else ".. {directive}::"
        div_lines = [fmt.format(directive=self.directive, version=self.version)]
        width = self.line_length - 3 if self.line_length > 3 else 2 ** 16
        reason = textwrap.dedent(self.reason).strip()
        for paragraph in reason.splitlines():
            if paragraph:
                        initial_indent="   ",
                        subsequent_indent="   ",

        # -- get the docstring, normalize the trailing newlines
        docstring = textwrap.dedent(wrapped.__doc__ or "")
        if docstring:
            # An empty line must separate the original docstring and the directive.
            docstring = re.sub(r"\n+$", "", docstring, flags=re.DOTALL) + "\n\n"
            # Avoid "Explicit markup ends without a blank line" when the decorated function has no docstring
            docstring = "\n"

        # -- append the directive division to the docstring
        docstring += "".join("{}\n".format(line) for line in div_lines)

        wrapped.__doc__ = docstring
        if self.directive in {"versionadded", "versionchanged"}:
            return wrapped
        return super(SphinxAdapter, self).__call__(wrapped)

    def get_deprecated_msg(self, wrapped, instance):
        Get the deprecation warning message (without Sphinx cross-referencing syntax) for the user.

        :param wrapped: Wrapped class or function.

        :param instance: The object to which the wrapped function was bound when it was called.

        :return: The warning message.

        .. versionadded:: 1.2.12
           Strip Sphinx cross-referencing syntax from warning message.

        msg = super(SphinxAdapter, self).get_deprecated_msg(wrapped, instance)
        # Strip Sphinx cross reference syntax (like ":function:", ":py:func:" and ":py:meth:")
        # Possible values are ":role:`foo`", ":domain:role:`foo`"
        # where ``role`` and ``domain`` should match "[a-zA-Z]+"
        msg = re.sub(r"(?: : [a-zA-Z]+ )? : [a-zA-Z]+ : (`[^`]*`)", r"\1", msg, flags=re.X)
        return msg

[docs]def versionadded(reason="", version="", line_length=70): """ This decorator can be used to insert a "versionadded" directive in your function/class docstring in order to documents the version of the project which adds this new functionality in your library. :param str reason: Reason message which documents the addition in your library (can be omitted). :param str version: Version of your project which adds this feature. If you follow the `Semantic Versioning <>`_, the version number has the format "MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH", and, in the case of a new functionality, the "PATCH" component should be "0". :type line_length: int :param line_length: Max line length of the directive text. If non nul, a long text is wrapped in several lines. :return: the decorated function. """ adapter = SphinxAdapter( 'versionadded', reason=reason, version=version, line_length=line_length, ) return adapter
[docs]def versionchanged(reason="", version="", line_length=70): """ This decorator can be used to insert a "versionchanged" directive in your function/class docstring in order to documents the version of the project which modifies this functionality in your library. :param str reason: Reason message which documents the modification in your library (can be omitted). :param str version: Version of your project which modifies this feature. If you follow the `Semantic Versioning <>`_, the version number has the format "MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH". :type line_length: int :param line_length: Max line length of the directive text. If non nul, a long text is wrapped in several lines. :return: the decorated function. """ adapter = SphinxAdapter( 'versionchanged', reason=reason, version=version, line_length=line_length, ) return adapter
[docs]def deprecated(reason="", version="", line_length=70, **kwargs): """ This decorator can be used to insert a "deprecated" directive in your function/class docstring in order to documents the version of the project which deprecates this functionality in your library. :param str reason: Reason message which documents the deprecation in your library (can be omitted). :param str version: Version of your project which deprecates this feature. If you follow the `Semantic Versioning <>`_, the version number has the format "MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH". :type line_length: int :param line_length: Max line length of the directive text. If non nul, a long text is wrapped in several lines. Keyword arguments can be: - "action": A warning filter used to activate or not the deprecation warning. Can be one of "error", "ignore", "always", "default", "module", or "once". If ``None``, empty or missing, the the global filtering mechanism is used. - "category": The warning category to use for the deprecation warning. By default, the category class is :class:`~DeprecationWarning`, you can inherit this class to define your own deprecation warning category. :return: a decorator used to deprecate a function. .. versionchanged:: 1.2.13 Change the signature of the decorator to reflect the valid use cases. """ directive = kwargs.pop('directive', 'deprecated') adapter_cls = kwargs.pop('adapter_cls', SphinxAdapter) kwargs["reason"] = reason kwargs["version"] = version kwargs["line_length"] = line_length return _classic_deprecated(directive=directive, adapter_cls=adapter_cls, **kwargs)