API Reference

For as simple as the tutorials make ppb look there’s a lot of power under the hood. This section will cover the raw what of the ppb API. To find out why decisions are made, see the Discussion section.

A python game framework.

PursuedPyBear is object oriented and event driven. Practically, this means that most of your code will be organized into classes. Game objects in ppb are Sprite instances, which get contained in Scenes. In turn, the GameEngine contains the scenes and Systems. Events are defined as simple classes and event handlers are based on their names.

The classes, modules, and methods exported directly are the most used parts of the library and intended to be used by users at all levels (barring make_engine). Advanced features tend to be in their own modules and subpackages.


ppb.run(setup: Callable[[ppb.scenes.Scene], None] = None, *, log_level=30, starting_scene=<class 'ppb.scenes.Scene'>, title='PursuedPyBear', **engine_opts)[source]

Run a game.

This is the default entry point for ppb games.

Sample usage:

import ppb

def setup(scene):



import ppb

class Game(ppb.Scene):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):


See the Getting Started guide for a more complete guide to building games.

All parameters are optional.

  • setup (Callable[[Scene], None]) – Called with the first scene to allow initialization of your game.
  • log_level – The logging level from logging() to send to the console.
  • starting_scene (type) – A scene class to use. Defaults to Scene
  • title (str) – The title of the rendered window.
  • engine_opts – Additional keyword arguments passed to the GameEngine.
ppb.make_engine(setup: Callable[[ppb.scenes.Scene], None] = None, *, starting_scene=<class 'ppb.scenes.Scene'>, title='PursedPyBear', **engine_opts)[source]

Setup a GameEngine.

This function exists for third party modules to use the same code paths as run() for setting up their engine. If you want to instantiate your own engine, you can do so directly using the constructor.

  • setup (Callable[[Scene], None]) – Called with the first scene to allow initialization of your game.
  • starting_scene (type) – A scene class to use. Defaults to Scene
  • title (str) – The title of the rendered window.
  • engine_opts – Additional keyword arguments passed to the GameEngine

A GameEngine instance.