Clocks ====== PPB has several ways to mark time: fixed-rate updates, frames, and idle time. These are all exposed via the event system. Updates ~~~~~~~ The :py:class:`` event is fired at a regular, fixed rate (defaulting to 60 times a second). This is well-suited for simulation updates, such as motion, running NPC AIs, physics, etc. Frames ~~~~~~ The :py:class:`` and :py:class:`` are fired every frame. This is best used for particle systems, animations, and anything that needs to update every rendered frame (even if the framerate varies). .. note:: While both :py:class:`PreRender ` and :py:class:`Render ` are fired every frame, it is encouraged that games only use :py:class:`PreRender ` to ensure proper sequencing. That is, it is not guaranteed when :py:meth:`on_render` methods are called with respect to the actual rendering. Idle ~~~~ :py:class:`` is fired whenever the core event loop has no more events. While this is primarily used by systems for various polling things, it may be useful for games which have low-priority calculations to perform.