Source code for ppb.flags

ppb.flags contains singletons to communicate various things.

Flags should be used like None and ... (Ellipsis):
* compare against using `is`
* Do not instantiate new instances

New flags can simply be defined by:

    class MyFlag(Flag):
        "This is a flag to indicate a thing."

New classes of flags (eg mouse buttons) can be defined as:

    class MyFlagType(Flag, abstract=True):
        "A group of indicators"

    class MyFlag(MyFlagType):
        "This is a flag to indicate a thing."

__all__ = 'Flag', 'DoNotRender'

class FlagMeta(type):
    Metaclass for Flag. You probably want that instead.
    def __new__(mcls, *p, abstract=False, **kw):
        cls = super().__new__(mcls, *p, **kw)
        if abstract:
            cls._instance = ...
            return cls
            cls._instance = None
            return cls()

    def __call__(cls):
        if cls._instance is None:
            cls._instance = type.__call__(cls)
        elif cls._instance is ...:
            raise TypeError("Cannot instantiate abstract flags")
        return cls._instance

class Flag(metaclass=FlagMeta, abstract=True):
    Inherit from Flag to make a simple flag.

    Add abstract=True in the class line to make a flag type.

class DoNotRender(Flag):
    Inform the renderer to ignore this object.