Source code for

A big pile of the events defined in PPB.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any
from typing import Collection
from typing import Dict
from typing import Set
from typing import Type
from typing import Union

__all__ = (

# Remember to define scene at the end so the pargs version of __init__() still works

from ppb.scenes import BaseScene
from ppb.buttons import MouseButton
from ppb.keycodes import KeyCode
from ppb_vector import Vector
import ppb

[docs]@dataclass class ButtonPressed: """ Fired when a button is pressed """ button: MouseButton position: Vector # Scene position # TODO: Add frame position scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class ButtonReleased: """ Fired when a button is released """ button: MouseButton position: Vector # Scene position # TODO: Add frame position scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class StartScene: """ Fired to start a new scene. new_scene can be an instance or a class. If a class, must include kwargs. If new_scene is an instance kwargs should be empty or None. Before the previous scene pauses, a ScenePaused event will be fired. Any events signaled in response will be delivered to the new scene. After the ScenePaused event and any follow up events have been delivered, a SceneStarted event will be sent. Examples: * `signal(new_scene=StartScene(MyScene(player=player))` * `signal(new_scene=StartScene, kwargs={"player": player}` """ new_scene: Union[BaseScene, Type[BaseScene]] kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class KeyPressed: key: KeyCode mods: Set[KeyCode] scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class KeyReleased: key: KeyCode mods: Set[KeyCode] scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class MouseMotion: """An event to represent mouse motion.""" position: Vector screen_position: Vector delta: Vector buttons: Collection[MouseButton] scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class PreRender: """ Fired before rendering. """ scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class Quit: """ Fired on an OS Quit event. You may also fire this event to stop the engine. """ scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class Render: """ Fired at render. """ scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class ReplaceScene: """ Fired to replace the current scene with a new one. new_scene can be an instance or a class. If a class, must include kwargs. If new_scene is an instance kwargs should be empty or None. Before the previous scene stops, a SceneStopped event will be fired. Any events signaled in response will be delivered to the new scene. After the SceneStopped event and any follow up events have been delivered, a SceneStarted event will be sent. Examples: * `signal(new_scene=ReplaceScene(MyScene(player=player))` * `signal(new_scene=ReplaceScene, kwargs={"player": player}` """ new_scene: Union[BaseScene, Type[BaseScene]] kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class SceneContinued: """ Fired when a paused scene continues. This is delivered to a scene as it resumes operation after being paused via a ScenePaused event. From the middle of the event lifetime that begins with SceneStarted. """ scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class SceneStarted: """ Fired when a scene starts. This is delivered to a Scene shortly after it starts. The beginning of the scene lifetime, ended with SceneStopped, paused with ScenePaused, and resumed from a pause with SceneContinued. """ scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class SceneStopped: """ Fired when a scene stops. This is delivered to a scene and it's objects when a StopScene or ReplaceScene event is sent to the engine. The end of the scene lifetime, started with SceneStarted. """ scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class ScenePaused: """ Fired when a scene pauses. This is delivered to a scene about to be paused when a StartScene event is sent to the engine. When this scene resumes it will receive a SceneContinued event. A middle event in the scene lifetime, started with SceneStarted. """ scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class StopScene: """ Fired to stop a scene. Before the scene stops, a SceneStopped event will be fired. Any events signaled in response will be delivered to the previous scene if it exists. If there is a paused scene on the stack, a SceneContinued event will be fired after the responses to the SceneStopped event. """ scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class Idle: """ An engine plumbing event to pump timing information to subsystems. """ time_delta: float scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class Update: """ Fired on game tick """ time_delta: float scene: BaseScene = None
[docs]@dataclass class PlaySound: """ Fire to start a sound playing. """ sound: 'ppb.assets.Asset'
@dataclass class AssetLoaded: """ Fired whenever an asset finished loading. """ asset: 'ppb.assets.Asset' total_loaded: int total_queued: int